
ThinkWork Technology for Sustainability

Technology for Sustainability Technology for Sustainability

In a world full of technology, can technology make the world a better place? You bet! ThinkWork provides solutions which enable you to improve how the technology around you works. That’s Technology for Sustainability.

Smart Residential HVAC1

How do you plan to reduce your monthly utilities bill?

In the plethora of technical solutions for HVAC1, what is the best solution for your home today? And tomorrow?

ThinkWork provides an end-to-end solution for detailed monitoring and modelling of your household gas and electricity consumption. Data from heating/cooling devices, radiators and smart meters results in a complete picture of your home as you use it today. By analyzing this data, improvements and alternatives can be advised. As monitoring is 24/7, anomalies can be detected before they become a problem. When new technical solutions become available, they can be matched to your property as business case.

Create a smarter home.

  1. Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning - the things that keep your living space livable. ↩︎ ↩︎